Windows – What are the effects of a machine account being member of Domain Admins


I recently stumbled over a workstation account being member of the Domain Admins group. I assume that this is not recommended, right?

Nevertheless, I am curious what the actual effects of this constellation are: does everyone logged on to this machine gain the Domain Admin privilege? Or is it limited to the local SYSTEM, SERVICE, etc. accounts? In other words: how big is the security flaw?

Best Answer

Services running with the machine account will gain Domain Admin privileges. Users logged into that machine will not inherit such privs. Sometimes this is done if some badly written service that can't run as a user for some reason needs to have access to the entire domain. Also, lazy admins.

As a security flaw it isn't earth-shaking, but it should be resolved. There should be no reason (short of crappy code) for this to be done.