Windows – What options do I have to connect to a remote Windows server if RDP is broken

remote desktopwindowswindows-server-2008

What options do I have to connect to a remote Windows server if RDP is broken (unresponsive), I don't have console access, and the server isn't physically close?

On Linux, if VNC wasn't working, I could usually rely on an SSH daemon. Windows never picked that up (why, I don't know) – is there any equivalent?

Best Answer

The first thing I do when RDP is not talking is this in Powershell:

PS> $service = get-service -computername MyServer -displayname "Remote Desktop Services"
PS> $service.stop
PS> $service.start

The majority of the time this revives RDP and I can get back in. If this doesn't do the trick then I have to rely on iLO or one of the other console options mentioned in other answers here.