Windows – What’s the modern way to open a URL during logon


Currently I am using this vbs script during logon to a Windows desktop:

Set oIE       = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")  ' This creates a Internet Explorer window
oIE.Left      = -5000                                         ' This allows the page to initilize off-screen
oIE.Top       = -5000                                                 ' This allows the page to initilize off-screen
oIE.navigate "http://myurl/?popup=1"                      ' This is URI
oIE.ToolBar   = 0                                                     ' This removes the toolbar
oIE.StatusBar = 1                                                     ' This removes the status bar
oIE.Resizable = 1                                                     ' This allows the maximise button
oIE.Visible   = 1   

That is run from the users logon batch file.

I've been asked to add another one and I dislike this approach but don;t know how else to achieve it?


Further Detail

The situation is that it will need to be run for only certain users in Active Directory – hopefully they will be in specific OU's and if they are not then I'll put them there! So my approach has been from a Logon Script applied to Groups angle – I didn't want to use the StartUp folder or the registry so that the users that have the screen popped up can easily be managed though Active Directory. Hope that makes more sense!

Best Answer

ShellExecute the URL.