Windows – Which Java version should I run Jenkins with


Reference: Jenkins Users :: Jenkins on Windows: Java + JRE (version) confusion

Which Java version should I run Jenkins with (on Windows)? Should I use the included JRE of the Windows master? Should I use the last 1.6 release? Should I just run it on a current 1.7 version? (Note that I'm running the stand-alone version.)

All I could find on the Jenkins pages was: To run Jenkins, minimally you need to have JRE 1.5 or later.

Aside: My Windows server(s) are still 32bit 2k3, but what do you run Jenkins with on 64 bit platform? 32bit or 64bit JVM?

Note that this question is only about the JRE (or JDK) I use to run the Jenkins instance(s) with. I'm not concerned with the JDK used to build Java programs.

Best Answer

Update 2017: After "Jenkins Upgrades To Java 8 (January)" and PR 2802, JDK 8 will be mandatory for Jenkins 2.54 or more (April 2017).

You can use any jdk (1.5+ 1.7+ for 1.608+) you want for Jenkins: this is separate from the JDK that a job would use (either a job running on the master, or on a slave).

So it doesn't really matter: using one JDK for running Jenkins won't prevent you to use any other JDK for your jobs.

Update 2015: Jenkins just said good by to JDK6 (2015-04-06)

About two years ago, we bumped our runtime JRE requirement from Java5 to Java6. And so the time has come once again for us to finally move on to Java7.
Because of all the new language features, many of us the developers really wanted to move right on to Java8, but after much discussion we settled to move to Java7 first and then to Java8.