Windows – Which port is used for running schtasks.exe in a remote computer


I was trying to extract the list of scheduled tasks in a number of remote computers, and found this schtasks.exe. I put this inside a powershell script and run against a list of servers, and almost 80% of the servers returned the results. This was the command I used.

$Output = & schtasks.exe /query /v /s $Server /fo csv 2>&1

I am wondering which port it used to connect to the remote computer and extracted the data, because this is a very controlled environment with non standard ports are not open. I also need to find out why the 20% of servers failed, perhaps some port is not open there ? I understand from here that powershell remote uses TCP/5985 = HTTP and TCP/5986 = HTTPS, but from what i checked, these ports are not open.

Best Answer

Using procmon from sysinternals shows that schtasks uses the epmap port.

epmapis port 135 (Endpoint Mapper). After that, the conversation seems to continue on a newly created connection at port 49154. Repeating the excercise always uses port 49154 so I assume that schtasks needs port 135 and 49154 to be able to get a response from a remote server.

Edit cudo's to Barry

schtasks.exe definitely connects via port 135, then uses a dynamic port ranging from 49152 to 65535, source…. What I've observed is that it will consistently use one port for a while, and then for reasons that I haven't discovered it will start using another port

enter image description here