Windows – While using Offline Files users cannot rename files when changing case only


I recently setup some new computers (running Win8.1) for the staff here. These machines use folder redirection (as we always have) with Offline Files sync. I have not traditionally used Offline Files but I've turned it on to give a bit of extra resiliency and performance while working with their files.

Today it was brought to my attention by someone that they cannot rename a file if they change the letter case only. When they do this they are shown a popup that says they need to get permission from their selves to perform the action. Their choices are Try Again and Cancel.

For example, the following will fail:

filename.txt --> FILENAME.txt

But the following will succeed:

filename.txt --> xFILENAME.txt --> FILENAME.txt

My files are being redirected to the same fileshare* by the same group policy but I am not using Offline Files and I do not experience this problem.

I've checked with another user that is setup like the original and they also experience this problem.

If this is a known bug my I have not been able to find an answer.

* The fileshare is running on Windows Server 2012 with deduplication enabled on the volume.

Best Answer

For Windows Vista and Windows 7 this is a known 'feature' according to the Microsoft KB953945, with the only 'resolution' is to work around the problem by temporarily renaming the file to something else first.

From the above article the resolution is

To work around this issue, rename the file to another name, and then rename back with the changed letter case.

For example, rename TEXT.txt to word.txt, and then rename word.txt to text.txt.

Perhaps with Windows 8, 8.1, 2012, 2012R2 this 'feature' has been included in these newer releases too.