Windows – Why do nmap -p and nmap -A scans show different results


I have a C# application that I've written that listens on port 789. It is running on a Windows XP Professional computer. Running

netstat -an | find "789"

TCP                LISTENING

When I run nmap -A -vv ip on a different linux machine (but same subnet) it only reports other ports open on the host (i.e. mysql, vnc, etc), but not the port opened by my application.

However, when I run nmap -p 789 ip I get:

789/tcp  open  unknown

Why is there a difference between the two nmap scans? Is there anything I can do to ensure that nmap detects the open port when doing a full scan?

Best Answer

By default, nmap only scans for "common" ports (the 1000 most common ports per protocol I believe). Since 789 is not a common port it isn't found. If you do

nmap -A -vv -p- ip

it should scan ports 1-65535.

Here is the nmap documentation that tells what ports are scanned by default: