Windows – Why does PSEXEC work if I don’t specify a password


When I run SysInternals PSEXEC to launch a process on a remote machine, if I specify the password in the command line it fails with:

PsExec could not start cmd.exe on web1928:
Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password.

psexec \\web1928 -u remoteexec -p mypassword "cmd.exe"


psexec \\web1928 -u web1928\remoteexec -p mypassword "cmd.exe"

If I just specify:

psexec \\web1928 -u remoteexec "cmd.exe"

and type in the password it works just fine.

The originating server is Windows 2003 and the remote server is Windows 2008 SP2. The remoteexec account only exists on the remote server and is a member of the Administrators group.

Best Answer

Could it be that the password contains characters that need to the password to be in quotes?