Windows – Why is transferring large local files in PowerShell so slow for me


I am currently using PowerShell's Copy-Item commandlet to create a copy of a 500GB file and transferring it to another local hard drive on the computer. Doing it this way is really slow: a couple hours for it to finish. When I simply right-click the file, select copy, and paste, the transfer takes about an hour. Is there another PowerShell cmdlet to use to get faster transfer time?

Powershell commandlet iam currently using Copy-Item -Path G:\Backups -Destination I:\Backups -Force -Recurse

Best Answer

Is there another PowerShell cmdlet to use to get faster transfer time?

It's slow because it is using buffered I/O. If you want performance parity use a native Windows command such as XCOPY or RoboCopy and use unbuffered I/O.