Windows – Windbg / minidump – how to get a process list with memory use


I've used Windbg only for the most simple !analyze -v in the past. Now I've got a bit of a problem…
Some process is running wild and consumes all available memory (I can see it spike in monitoring sw), but I've not been able to get eyes on when it happens and I for all my googly powers I can't find a way to list processes and memory usage. I do realize this might not be exactly the use case for windbg, but is it possible to get this information from Windbg or some other script or application?

Best Answer

You're right - this is not the primary use case for Windbg or kd.exe, but in the interest of just answering your question, you want the !vm command.

If you have kd.exe you can operate on memory dumps. If you download livekd.exe from Microsoft Sysinternals, it wraps kd.exe and allows you to operate on live memory.


Just to add more value to this answer, another great tool you might want to check out is ProcDump, also from Sysinternals. Procdump can be configured to take a memory dump automatically when specific conditions are met, such as when the free system memory falls below a certain point, or when a specific process exceeds a certain threshold of memory or CPU usage, etc.