Windows – WMI Issue – The paging file is too small for this operation to complete


I have an issue with a Windows Server 2008 Standard SP1 whereby I have lost the ability to monitor it remotely. After investigation, it appears to be because there is an issue with WMI. In the WMI COntrol Properties, it states:

Failed to initialize all required WMI classes.
Win32_Processor: Win32: The paging file is too small for this operation to complete.

The page file seems fine 2314M / 12404M. I have tried restarting WMI with no positive result.

After searching, I found this article ( which indicated that there was a hotfix for this issue, but after trying to install it, I get this error :

The update does not apply to your system.

I'm sure that a reboot will cure the issue (from what I have read) but this will cause me issues and it is likely to re-occur again if not fixed properly.

Has anyone had a similar experience and/or any suggestions to resolve this?

Best Answer

I suspect your WMI files have been corrupted, try running winmgmt /verifyrepository or WMIdiag

If these show errors rebuild the repository