Windows Workgroup – Maximum Workstations before a Domain is needed

active-directorywindows 7windows-server-2008workgroup

Several years ago I installed a Windows 2008 server and 8 PCs in a workgroup. Since then the client PCs have all been upgraded to Windows 7 Pro and the network has grown from the original 8 PCs to 23 and five network printers – all still configured as a workgroup.

The server has one common "file share" that about half of the users access occasionally. The printers are accessed directly – no "printer shares" are used. 95% of the time users access applications hosted in "the cloud".

After adding three more PCs a month ago there were several times in the last month when about half of the PCs lost their connections to the internet. After a while things were fine for over a week.

I'm wondering if there is a chance this problem is related to the size of the Workgroup and if there would be benefits in installing a Domain Controller.

I looked all over and couldn't find any answer to this question anywhere in documentation or definitively in discussion groups! I've had people tell me this was definitely a sign I needed Active Directory.

Best Answer

I used to work in an environment with 5,000 workgroup computers--no domain. I can assure you that it's not Active Directory (or your lack of same).

My personal opinion is that yes, there are a lot of benefits to installing a domain controller, including software installs, authentication, etc., but one of these benefits will most likely not be an end to your intermittent Internet connectivity problems. (Unless your workstations are losing their DNS minds and using a domain controller for the main DNS server fixes the problem.)

I agree with everyone in the comments above that this is a general network issue and is not related to workgroups vs. Active Directory. My instinct is to suggest you look at DHCP, but that's only a guess.