Windows – WSUS – show most recent updates


Using the most recent version of WSUS (Windows Server Update Services) is there a way to determine what the most recently applied updates are for a given machine? Or, when viewing the machine's status report apply some date filtering — or sorting?

Seems like I've seen this done, but I can't seem to stumble over how.

I'd like to get a list of the updates applied last month for a couple servers.

Best Answer

If it's only a couple of servers you could probably get the info from their local Windows Update logs:


It's not a literal answer to your question, but should solve the problem.

Just search upwards from the bottom of the file for "Title". If you want something automated, you could harvest the log files using a batch file and use findstr to filter the relevant lines. As a proof-of-concept try this command:

type %windir%\WindowsUpdate.log | findstr "Title"
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