Windows – WSUS Too many “not applicable” updates. Is this normal


I have just implemented WSUS in production for the first time.
Everything is working fine, but the info reported by the Update Service Manager is a bit unintuitive.

When i check on a computers status it checks for "installed/not applicable", which in our case allways shows like 90+k updates as seen here:

enter image description here

So when i try to check how many % of updates are installed on a computer it allways says 99% (since 99.9 of them are not applicable) like so:

enter image description here

Is this normal?
Is there any way to remove the "or not applicable" part of the criteria for compliance?

Running WSUS version 10.0.10514.4 on a server 2012 R2.

Best Answer

Woops, had accidentally approved all updates through an auto approve rule... Unapproved unused updates and now its much better.