Windows Temp Files – Large Amounts of cab_XXXX Files in Windows\Temp


Couple of servers that have been rebuilt recently are hitting warnings on C:\ drive usage. Looking at the disk there are GBs of data in Windows\Temp being used up by cab_XXXX_X (e.g. cab_5328_2). The suggestion I have found online is to just delete them but I can't help but feel this is only going to prove to be a workaround as they are being generated multiple times a day.

Has anyone seen this behaviour before with a Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 box? I can't see it happening on any other server that we have, only the two that have been rebuilt recently. Am hoping to find a permanent way to stop it as I am sure it cannot be helping performance.

Best Answer

I had a similar issue a while ago, this helped to identify the cause. This is the bit with the fix.

in C:\windows\Logs\CBS folder delete the oldest .log file (you can also delete them all) in C:\windows\temp folder delete every cab_xxxx in the following regeneration process, the remaining (CBS) logs where zipped correctly, and C:\windows\temp was left clean