WinSCP General failure uploading


I am trying to successfully upload a Multi Drupal site source code onto my var/www/html/ directory.

So far, I have uploaded everything but the sites folder. When I do try to upload it, it gets up to about 70-75 percent and then prompts this error message:

General failure (server should provide error description).
Error code: 4
Error message from server: Failure
Request code: 6

All of the folders have 755 rights and I am logged in as the root user in PuTTY.

This is especially frustrating because the file uploads for about 2 hours before it give me the error message.

I've a post that seemed to have the same issue as me but the person who had found the solution was not clear in their steps to fix the issue:

Here are the messages log since I could not locate the error logs:

Jul 29 13:54:16 ip sftp-server[4570]: error: process_write: write failed
Jul 29 13:54:16 ip sftp-server[4570]: error: process_write: write failed
Jul 29 13:54:16 ip sftp-server[4570]: error: process_write: write failed
Jul 29 13:54:16 ip sftp-server[4570]: error: process_write: write failed

Any ideas on what the problem could be?


Best Answer

It turned out that the reason I was receiving this error was that I did not have enough disk space to upload all the files onto the Linux Server. My server having 8gb and the Folder being 8.60gb caused this error.

I used this command to check the disk space: df -H

Then I increased my EC2 instances disk space to solve the issue.

Thank you for your time!