WinSvr2012, Exchange 2013


I’ve got a Server running Windows Server 2012 Standard and MS Exchange 2013.
Everything was running fine, able to access ECP and OWA no problems.

I then installed MS Exchange Service Pack 1 and noticed that the C:\ was full. The C: drive being a 500GB partition and only having WinSvr2012 and Exchange installed I thought this was a bit odd. Ran Disk cleanup on C:\ and freed up 400GB+. After the weekend I went to start creating the mailboxes but wasn’t able to access the ECP.

When trying to access ECP i get the certificate warning but then get an error message of:

Not Found

HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.

I then logged onto the server to see if I could access ECP from there, making sure that there was no network issues. Navigated to [https://localhost/ecp] but get the same as from my PC, (Certificate warning then error 404).

When I opened Server Manager I noticed that quite a lot of services had stopped and would not start. Services are:

  • Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search
  • Microsoft Exchange RPC Client Access
  • Microsoft Exchange EdgeSync
  • Microsoft Exchange unified Messaging
  • net.Pipe Listener Adaptor
  • World Wide Web Publishing Service
  • Microsoft Exchange Unified Messaging Call Router
  • Net.Msmq Listener Adapter
  • Microsoft Exchange Search host Controller
  • Microsoft Exchange Anti-spam Update
  • Net.Tcp Listener Adapter

Putting the services error aside for a moment, i went back to looking at the ECP issue. On a few forums/blogs that I’ve had a look at, other people have suggested to open IIS and check the URLs and bindings. I’ve gone to open IIS but get the below error:

Filename: C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\config\ApplicationHost.config

Line number: 0

Root Element is missing.

I’m not sure if i have been looking in the wrong area altogether trying to start these services or whether there is a different underlying error?

Advice would be appreciated.

Note: This server is not in a production/live environment so some downtime of the server is possible.

Best Answer

If your ApplicationHost.config is empty (corrupted) you can find the backup of this file under "C:\inetpub\history".