Wireshark running on a server seeing lots of `ARP who has` with different tells


We're seeing some suspicious network activity, and when I was trying to see if it was one particular server of ours I ran a Wireshark trace. I noted a lot of ARP packets asking who has x.x.x.x, but all being told to tell different addresses. In the past I've only seen the "tell" to be a single host – for example a DHCP server.

As you can see from the screenshot, there are only a few IP's being asked for, but the system to tell varies a lot. It's like all devices on the network are trying to find out who (and a couple of others) is.

enter image description here

Best Answer

This is normal, especially if whatever at is turned off or disconnected. For example, if is a DNS server and everyone is configured to use it as their primary DNS server then you will get a lot of machines asking for that address. But since it's not on, they will ask a lot and get no response.