WordPress – Enough RAM to run multiple WordPress sites


I recently moved about 6 sites from a dedicated server to "the cloud". This being a virtualized CentOS with limited RAM and HD space.

These sties are mostly static, but some are WordPress based. All the sites get very minimal traffic < 100 page views / per day each.

The server has only 512MB of RAM, as you can see from the screen-shot usage is low.


We don't expect any of the sites to "explode" with traffic, several may get 1000+ page views per day when they release new products, but this will only last for 2-3 days at most.

  • Do you think I can get away with this minimum set up?
  • Should I run some bench marking tools to determine the limits? If so, any suggestions?

NB: This cloud hosting solution is an order of magnitude cheaper than the dedicated (and managed) server. (Admittedly at an expensive hosting provider)

Best Answer

Short answer: probably.

It's definitely worth reading this post about Wordpress's CPU usage and taking some pre-emptive action to mitigate the load if your sites ever do become popular. Installing one of the caching plugins, in particular, is an absolute must.

As regards benchmarking, I've used ApacheBench before, which seems to work well - you can run it against any web server, not just Apache.

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