Working WCF WebServices with NLB server

load balancingnetworkingwcf

Im starting the architecture of a new project using WCF, but im not the right person to make some network considerations, so im doing some research but cannot find the answers to these questions:

  1. We´ll host the WCF service in a common Windows Service app in 2 servers and we´ll have another server to make the Load-Balancing job using the WNLB. The fact that we are hosting the WCF in a Windows Service app can disturb the NLB job?

  2. Before my research i thought the load balancing was tought to configure, but with NLB it seems to be very simple, its really that simple?

Note: The binding will be basicHttpBinding

Best Answer

I can't speak to NLB specifically with regards to load balancing WCF services, but I've supported and built out many load balanced WCF web services in the past. Overall, I wouldn't recommend using NLB, outside of a Dev environment, as NLB does not scale well. However, if you don't have access to a hardware load balancer or the desire to get into Linux (HAProxy/Varnish/Nginx), it can work.


  1. No, NLB should have no problem load balancing a WCF web service.
  2. NLB is simpler to configure, as it has less capabilities than a more robust load balancing solution. It is what it is. There are plenty of options that you can still make use of, including rewriting, but NLB is not a very fully featured load balancing solution.

The only caveat that I have to any of this is more to do with load balancing WCF than with NLB. If you plan on using SSL with your WCF service, and you transition to a load balancer that supports SSL-offloading, you may run into issues with the WSDL not being available through the VIP (virtual server IP address). There are workarounds, but since you're not there yet, I just wanted to make you aware of it, not freak you out.

EDIT: I was going to elaborate on how to address metadata in an SSL-offload scenario, but a recent MSDN blog post handles it much more elegantly:

The gist is that there are two options, modifying the customBinding to allow enableUnsecuredResponse or to modify the WSDL completely to make it available over HTTPS on the server. Option 2 is the more effective way to handle this, as it will allow for better compatibility with non .NET technologies.