WSUS able to differentiate between OS for approved updates


We don't have a big Windows environment, but for the small group of users that do run Windows, they all run slightly different versions (win7, 8.1, 10, etc).

I've modified our WSUS settings to pull in updates for all those OS's but I'm wondering, what will happen in my specific case because we currently do not have very specific update views set up (just a couple views named "Critical Updates" and "Security Updates").

If I were to bulk approve critical/security updates for windows 7, 8.1, and 10 and target our test computer group which houses all the workstations with different operating systems, is WSUS smart enough to only hand out updates that apply to their specific OS to each machine, or would I have to create individual computer groups based on their OS?

Best Answer

is WSUS smart enough to only hand out updates that apply to their specific OS to each machine
