WSUS and Delivery Optimization disable


Windows 10 clients are downloading a lot of the updates from the internet instead of the WSUS server.

The WSUS itself is configured correctly, the clients are also reporting all to the WSUS servers.

and with windows 10 differ-differ version delivery Optimization registry has different settings

How can I avoid this? I saw some posts which say to set the Delivery Optimization to "None" but in my GPOs (updated yesterday) this option is not available.

I can set it to Bypass/Group/HTTP Only/Internet/Lan/Simple.

Also I checked already to change the following registry key to 0 like I saw it in some posts on the web, but 0 = HTTP only and not disabled….


I also enabled the GPO to disable the use of internet update ressources.

Maybe Microsoft change something for this during the last weeks?

So my question: How can i COMPLETLY disable the send and receive from updates with delivery optimaization and force them to go to WSUS

Best Answer

If you want to completely disable delivery optimization then you need to set the download mode policy to "NONE" You can find the Delivery Optimization Group Policy objects under Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Delivery Optimization. Without group policy you can create a new REG_DWORD registry setting named DODownloadMode in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeliveryOptimization with a value of 0

Alternatively you might set it to BYPASS mode (100) to use BITS instead.

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