WSUS moved how to reset the database and check the folders


I have a bit of a problem with a WSUS box, I backed up the WsusContent folder (about 180 gig) to a second machine, wiped the first machine then realized I don't have the database folder! I can not find any articles / guidance on this, I have re installed WSUS however it does not find the other files which where previsously downloaded (I guess the database being the reason). If I do a reset it will force it to download the ones it has again I guess and does not check what is still to be downloaded?

Sigh… love / hate WSUS at the moment with a passion 🙂

Thanks for any help.

Best Answer

Did you do an export when you "backed up" the WsusContent folder? This will then have created a cab file that you could have imported into your new server (which would create the database when you reinstall) wsusutil.exe import c:\path\to\wsuscontent\ log.txt If you did not do an export of your data I don't believe you will have a cab file to import that data back. The reset command will check the update metadata in your database to the corresponding update files that are stored in WsusContent to check if they are missing or corrupt. If so, it will download them again.