WSUS shows incorrect Needed Count (or: how to get it to 100%?)


I want to monitor which of my servers need updates so I installed WSUS. Installation went fine and the servers are getting their updates now from WSUS.
However, most of the servers show an incorrect number of needed updates.

For example this one:

wsus needed count incorrect

It says that the server needs 2 updates.

I checked in the windowsupdate.log on the server which also reports the same number (which is probably where WSUS gets the number from):

windowsupdate.log reporting 2 needed updates

But when I check the Windows Update UI, it says that all updates are installed, even after a reboot:

windows update is ok

How do I get the required updates showing here, or how do I make the thing report back that it doesn't need any more updates (if that's the case) ?

Best Answer

I think I found out what the error was: not enough disk space. I noticed the disk that has the WSUS content only had 18 mb free. After expanding it, the disk started filling up again, so then I knew not all updates were downloaded. The following morning the server indeed needed two updates.

There was a hint about the disk space in the report you get when you click on a server (Status Report). Clicking on the Not Installed link showed a message, something along the lines of "the update has not yet been downloaded".

click this link