WSUS WARNING: CSerializationHelper:: InitSerialize failed : 0x80070002


have recently set up WSUS in a server 2008 R2 / Windows 8.1 environment. WSUS 3.0 SP2, everything appears to be working. GPO is working, client devices are reporting to WSUS server, but for some reason, will not install updates.

In the log file, all client machines search for relevant updates, get ready to install them, then produce the following warning/error. Have done some googling but i cant find a solid answer as to why, anyone know?

Always the same error for every device…

     964    1c14    EP  Got WSUS Client/Server URL:     
     964    1c14    EP  Got WSUS Reporting URL:     
     964    1c14    Report  OpenReportingWebServiceConnection,     reporting URL = 
     964    1c14    Report  Uploading 2 events using cached     cookie.
     964    1c14    Report  Reporter successfully uploaded 2     events.
     964    e50 Report  WARNING: CSerializationHelper::     InitSerialize failed : 0x80070002
     964    e50 Report  WARNING: CSerializationHelper:: InitSerialize failed : 0x80070002
     964    e50 AU  ###########  AU: Uninitializing Automatic     Updates  ###########
     964    e50 WuTask  Uninit WU Task Manager
     964    e50 Service *********
     964    e50 Service **  END  **  Service: Service exit     [Exit code = 0x240001]

Best Answer

You might also notice that the OS is showing Windows Server 2003 on your WSUS server. Have you tried installing KB2734608 on your WSUS server? You'll also want to make sure to run the post commands on each of your Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 servers.

Net stop wuauserv

rd /s %windir%\softwaredistribution\

Net start wuauserv