WSUS Windows 10 Updates not working

windows 10windows-server-2012-r2windows-updatewsus

I know this is a well known issue, but I've tried everything I can find online and I still can't get 1607 or 1703 to deploy to my Windows 10 clients using WSUS on Server 2012 R2. Originally I synchronised WSUS without installing KB3159706 which meant that none of my downloaded updates had been decrypted. I eventually ended up uninstalling WSUS and deleting it's directories and database to start again fresh.

I installed KB3159706 and HTTP Activation for .Net 4.5 and then installed and configured WSUS. I then tried deploying 1607 but kept getting "Download Failed" errors. At this point I deleted the SoftwareDistribution and CatRoot2 folders and tried again to no avail. Next I discovered and added the '.esd – application/octet-stream' MIME type to IIS and tried deploying to a couple of different Win 10 PC's, but still couldn't get it to work.

I have run the following query taken from this Microsoft article:

select TotalResults = Count(*)
from tbFile
where (IsEncrypted = 1 and DecryptionKey is NULL) or (FileName like '%14393%.esd' and IsEncrypted = 0)

The result I got was '0' which according to the article means my database is correct and my updates can be decrypted.

I have some PC's which had been imaged originally with 1607, so I have now tried deploying 1703 to those PC's and they don't work either. I also tried skipping 1607 by deploying 1703 to a PC running 1511.

At the moment I am getting error: 0x8024200D (The update handler did not install the update because it needs to be downloaded again) – Error description taken from

Here is the Windows Update log from a PC after trying to install 1703:

2017/05/14 13:51:28.8879116 852   3544  ComApi          *QUEUED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8879182 852   2916  Agent           Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 25.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911111 852   2916  DownloadManager * START * Begin Downloading Updates [CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator] [Call ID = A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B]
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911145 852   2916  DownloadManager Priority = 2, NetworkCostPolicy = 0, Interactive = 0, Download on Battery = 0, Bypass Regulation = 0, Owner is system = 1, Proxy session id = -1, ServiceId = 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911153 852   2916  DownloadManager Updates to download = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911157 852   2916  Agent             Title = Feature update to Windows 10 Education, version 1703, en-us
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911188 852   2916  Agent             UpdateId = 6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09.201
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911192 852   2916  Agent               Bundles 1 updates:
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911222 852   2916  Agent                 CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:28.8911619 852   2916  DownloadManager No locked revisions found for update 6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09; locking the user-specified revision.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9492355 852   2916  DownloadManager No locked revisions found for update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790; locking the user-specified revision.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9718986 852   2916  DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category PerUpdate.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9718994 852   2916  DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Low.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9719002 852   2916  DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category Normal.
2017/05/14 13:51:28.9719005 852   2916  DownloadManager Regulation: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - Loaded sequence number 65535 for regulation category High.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0460875 852   2916  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0571159 852   2916  DownloadManager Update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201 is missing decryption information
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0571190 852   2916  DownloadManager Update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201 is missing decryption information
2017/05/14 13:51:29.0576622 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - added new entry for Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1209793 852   2916  DownloadManager Queueing update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 for download handler request generation.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1223140 852   2916  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1701210 852   2916  Shared          Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1701249 852   2916  Agent           Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 25
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1701337 852   2916  Agent           Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 26.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1703639 852   4028  Agent           WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1705529 852   2992  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1705749 852   2992  DownloadManager Generating download request for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1712713 852   2992  DownloadManager Calling into handler 0xa to generate download request for update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1715284 852   2992  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: <invalid>(0)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1715592 852   2992  Handler         Windows Setup handler requesting installer file 'WindowsUpdateBox.exe'
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1715696 852   2992  Handler         State changed. was: <invalid>(0), now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.1721544 852   2992  Handler         Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185324 852   2916  Shared          Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185386 852   2916  Agent           Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 26
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185470 852   2916  Agent           Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 27.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2185501 852   2916  DownloadManager * END * Begin Downloading Updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2187518 852   4028  Agent           WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190329 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh Svc: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190440 852   2916  DownloadManager Fetching dynamic data from service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 for 1 updates.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190706 852   2916  Misc            Got WSUS SecuredClient/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx/secured""
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2190979 852   2916  WebServices     Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:29.2671567 852   2916  DownloadManager GetExtendedUpdateInfo2 returned, hr=0x00000000, FileLocations=2, FileDecryptionData=2
2017/05/14 13:51:29.3250743 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh complete. 0x00000000
2017/05/14 13:51:29.3250894 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refreshed Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} SetDynamicResult: 0
2017/05/14 13:51:29.3250897 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher HandleDynamicDataRefreshResult HR(0x00000000)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.5878311 852   2916  DownloadManager DO job initialized, JobId = {AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE}
2017/05/14 13:51:32.6090834 852   2916  DownloadManager Downloading from http://servername:8530/Content/C9/A9186BC92CFDACE903B62AB20E6A7F0FCDB533C9.exe to C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\31dde1e25bcbfe972aa2306200d63ffb\WindowsUpdateBox.exe (full file).
2017/05/14 13:51:32.6092027 852   2916  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.6338581 852   2916  DownloadManager New download job {AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE} for UpdateId CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8269682 852   2916  DownloadManager Download job AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE resumed.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8272873 852   2916  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8292906 852   2916  Shared          Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8292983 852   2916  Agent           Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 27
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8293053 852   2916  Agent           Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 29.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8296075 852   4028  Agent           WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8397716 852   2916  DownloadManager Download job AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE resumed.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8400615 852   2916  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8515665 852   2916  DownloadManager Download job AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE resumed.
2017/05/14 13:51:32.8519592 852   2916  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:35.6973300 852   4120  DownloadManager DO job {AADB3662-196D-4C1D-BA94-FCBFEF9C5EBE} completed successfully
2017/05/14 13:51:35.7608812 852   4120  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3)
2017/05/14 13:51:35.9501590 852   4120  Misc            Validating signature for C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\31dde1e25bcbfe972aa2306200d63ffb\WindowsUpdateBox.exe with dwProvFlags 0x00000080:
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4282001 852   4120  Misc             Microsoft signed: Yes
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4282686 852   4120  Handler         State changed. was: Setup360_Phase1DownloadRequest(3), now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4286856 852   4120  Handler         Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4291714 852   4120  DownloadManager   Download job completion. Progress for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} - total = 19989072, transferred = 19989072 bytes. Transfer time=2497, connect time=0 (ms)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4561134 852   2916  DownloadManager Update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201 is missing decryption information
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4565846 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} - added new entry for Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4672242 852   2916  DownloadManager Queueing update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 for download handler request generation.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4680422 852   2992  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4680919 852   2992  DownloadManager Generating download request for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4682382 852   2992  DownloadManager Calling into handler 0xa to generate download request for update CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4685258 852   2992  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4685589 852   2992  Handler         State changed. was: Setup360_Phase1DownloadComplete(4), now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4689511 852   2992  Handler         Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4755710 852   2916  Shared          Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4755764 852   2916  Agent           Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 29
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4755829 852   2916  Agent           Obtained a network PDC reference for callID {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with No-Progress-Timeout set to 4294967295; ActivationID: 30.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4757969 852   4028  Agent           WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call progress and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760372 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh Svc: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760479 852   2916  DownloadManager Fetching dynamic data from service 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7 for 1 updates.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760722 852   2916  Misc            Got WSUS SecuredClient/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx/secured""
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4760887 852   2916  WebServices     Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.4846468 852   2916  DownloadManager GetExtendedUpdateInfo2 returned, hr=0x00000000, FileLocations=2, FileDecryptionData=2
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5112347 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh complete. 0x00000000
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5112486 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refreshed Update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} SetDynamicResult: 0
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5112493 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher HandleDynamicDataRefreshResult HR(0x00000000)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5370580 852   2916  DownloadManager All files for update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 were already downloaded and are valid.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.5750862 852   2916  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.6326046 852   2916  DownloadManager * END * Download Call Complete Call 2 for caller UpdateOrchestrator has completed; signaling completion.
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7184340 852   2916  Shared          Effective power state: AC
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7184383 852   2916  Agent           Released network PDC reference for callId {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B}; ActivationID: 30
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186569 852   4028  ComApi          *RESUMED* Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186592 852   4028  ComApi          Download call complete (succeeded = 1, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 0, unaccounted = 0)
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186619 852   4028  ComApi          * END *   Download ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7186639 852   4028  Agent           WU client calls back to download call {A1D6AFB9-7784-42E7-91A2-1A2906FB843B} with code Call complete and error 0
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7190350 852   3544  ComApi          ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7805501 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh Svc: {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}
2017/05/14 13:51:37.7805532 852   2916  DownloadManager DynamicDownloadDataFetcher Refresh complete. 0x8024000c
2017/05/14 13:51:37.9479974 852   3544  DownloadManager MapToLockedRevision for updateId = {6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09}.201 failed with 0x80240008
2017/05/14 13:51:37.9482280 852   3544  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3858839 852   3544  ComApi          * START *   Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3858850 852   3544  ComApi          Allow source prompts: Yes; Forced: No; Force quiet: No; Attempt close apps if necessary: No
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3859027 852   3544  ComApi          Updates in request: 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3859120 852   3544  ComApi          ServiceID = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7} Managed
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3865279 852   3544  Agent           Beginning install of conventional work item
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3865460 852   3544  ComApi          *QUEUED* Updates to install = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3865468 852   3544  ComApi          Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3868686 852   4336  Agent           *  START  *  Installing updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3868694 852   4336  Agent           Updates to install = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897454 852   4336  Agent             Title = Feature update to Windows 10 Education, version 1703, en-us
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897508 852   4336  Agent             UpdateId = 6C9BC0F9-0912-488D-AE71-85431F407F09.201
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897512 852   4336  Agent               Bundles 1 updates:
2017/05/14 13:51:38.3897543 852   4336  Agent                 CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790.201
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8001401 852   4336  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8442553 852   2916  Misc            Got WSUS Client/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx""
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8443138 852   2916  ProtocolTalker  OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8443173 852   2916  ProtocolTalker  Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8443181 852   2916  ProtocolTalker  PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8547244 852   2916  Misc            Got WSUS Reporting URL: http://servername:8530/ReportingWebService/ReportingWebService.asmx""
2017/05/14 13:51:38.8548572 852   2916  WebServices     Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9721092 852   4336  DownloadManager Preparing update for install, updateId = {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201.
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9728514 1816  3672  Handler         * START *   Windows Setup Install
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9728522 1816  3672  Handler         Updates to install = 1
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9826141 1816  3672  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5)
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9832211 1816  3672  Handler         Starting Windows Setup with command line = C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Download\31dde1e25bcbfe972aa2306200d63ffb\WindowsUpdateBox.exe" /ClassId 05c10751-48c3-4b65-8f2a-081073f106ee /ReportId {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790}.201 /PreDownload /Update /ClientId 063d30ca-e35d-49aa-a3d0-cc17b0b6a955 /CorrelationVector oXyNQzVMHEG9Vg/"
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9832273 1816  3672  Handler         Registering WinSetup COM server as CLSID {05C10751-48C3-4B65-8F2A-081073F106EE} and APPID {AA6BCD57-30F2-439D-888F-EEF1C74C6D2F}
2017/05/14 13:51:38.9849127 1816  3672  Handler         Successfully registered WinSetup COM server as CLSID {05C10751-48C3-4B65-8F2A-081073F106EE}
2017/05/14 13:51:53.0577334 852   1272  DataStore       Service 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC added
2017/05/14 13:51:53.0578493 852   1272  Agent           AddTargetedServiceMapping: 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC -> 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2017/05/14 13:51:53.1913051 2400  4604  ComApi          * START *   Init Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.1913136 2400  4604  ComApi          * START *   Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2183930 852   2684  Agent           * START * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update  Id = 4]
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2183988 852   2684  Agent           Removing service 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 from sequential scan list
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2184027 852   2684  Agent           Added service 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 to sequential scan list
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2186113 2400  4604  ComApi          Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2311811 852   4664  Agent           * END * Queueing Finding updates [CallerId = Dynamic Update  Id = 4]
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436770 852   4664  Agent           * START * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update  Id = 4
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436782 852   4664  Agent           Online = Yes; AllowCachedResults = No; Ignore download priority = No
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436789 852   4664  Agent           Criteria = ( CategoryIDs contains 'e4b04398-adbd-4b69-93b9-477322331cd3' )""
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436820 852   4664  Agent           ServiceID = {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} Third party service
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436824 852   4664  Agent           Search Scope = {Machine}
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436855 852   4664  Agent           Caller SID for Applicability: S-1-5-18
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2436859 852   4664  Agent           RegisterService is set
2017/05/14 13:51:53.2629698 852   4664  Misc            Got WSUS Client/Server URL: http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx""
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648593 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648604 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648639 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5648646 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.5752440 852   4664  WebServices     Auto proxy settings for this web service call.
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140394 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140452 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140490 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6140498 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6346969 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  SyncUpdates round trips: 1
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668259 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  ServiceId = {3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7}, Server URL = http://servername:8530/ClientWebService/client.asmx
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668275 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  OK to reuse existing configuration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668302 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  Existing cookie is valid, just use it
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6668309 852   4664  ProtocolTalker  PTInfo: Server requested registration
2017/05/14 13:51:53.6831695 852   4664  Agent           Found 0 updates and 3 categories in search; evaluated appl. rules of 3 out of 3 deployed entities
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7235279 852   4664  Agent           * END * Finding updates CallerId = Dynamic Update  Id = 4
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7536027 2400  4540  ComApi          *RESUMED* Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7553943 2400  4540  ComApi          Updates found = 0
2017/05/14 13:51:53.7553951 2400  4540  ComApi          * END *   Search ClientId = Dynamic Update
2017/05/14 13:51:53.8377106 2400  4604  ComApi          ISusInternal:: DisconnectCall failed, hr=8024000C
2017/05/14 13:51:54.1851153 852   2476  DataStore       Service 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC removed
2017/05/14 13:51:54.1851369 852   2476  Agent           RemoveTargetedServiceMapping: 1BA85A31-F2A0-4C83-B440-0FE21D81E7FC -> 3DA21691-E39D-4DA6-8A4B-B43877BCB1B7
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7675880 1816  3672  Handler         Installer completed. Process return code = 0x00000000, result = 0x00000000, callback pending = True
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7676446 1816  3672  Handler         State changed. was: Setup360_CompatToolPhase1(5), now: Setup360_Phase2DownloadRequest(7)
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7681339 1816  3672  Handler         Saved state. m_dwState: Setup360_Phase2DownloadRequest(7)
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7686744 1816  3672  Handler         Exit code = 0x8024200D
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7686752 1816  3672  Handler         * END *   Windows Setup Install
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7776610 852   4336  DownloadManager Install failed because the update {CCDEB1B6-3E0F-4EEF-B67C-BEF6696AF790} was not complete; mark update as not downloaded.
2017/05/14 13:53:38.7854214 852   4336  Handler         Loaded state. m_dwState now: Setup360_Phase2DownloadRequest(7)
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8517582 852   4336  Agent           Installing updates CallerId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8518091 852   4028  ComApi           Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8518110 852   4028  ComApi          Install call complete (succeeded = 0, succeeded with errors = 0, failed = 1, unaccounted = 0
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8519600 852   4028  ComApi          Reboot required = False
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8519607 852   4028  ComApi          Exit code = 0x00000000; Call error code = 0x80240022
2017/05/14 13:53:38.8519611 852   4028  ComApi          * END *   Install ClientId = UpdateOrchestrator

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

It seems like Windows really doesn't want to do the updates if the following services are disabled... (maybe from some privacy tweakin tools or advice?)

here I copy the list of services:


Follow the instructions below to apply this workaround and hopefully resolve the issue at hand:

In the Search Windows bar, type services.msc and open Services. Confirm that the following services on the list are set to run Automatic:


IKE and AuthIP IPsec Keying Modules



Automatic Updates OR Windows Update

Background Intelligent Transfer Service

Right-click on the each of these services and open Properties. Make sure that they are set to Automatic.

After that:


When asked, set it to keep apps and data...

then let it run...

after a while you will be back on a working Windows with all recent updates installed!

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