Xen to KVM windows guest migration


I'm trying to work out how to migrate a Xen based windows server guest to a KVM host.

I've grabbed a copy of the Xen image and run an image conversion on it.

kvm-img convert -O raw 8345617d-0654-4cac-b92f-e29f6b0e1005.vhd win2K3.raw

Unfortunately when I try and run kvm with this raw image, it can't find a bootable device.

Has anyone managed this translation? I'm guessing its a bit simplistic given that I can't find much on the great search engine in the cloud to suggest this as an option.


Best Answer

What you want is virt-v2v, here's a good explanation: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Xen_to_KVM_migration