XenServer 5.5 local storage problem


I have the following problem with a Citrix XenServer 5.5. I had to physically move the host, so I shut down all machines via console:

xe vm-shutdown force=true vm=my-machine-uuis-s

After that I shut down the machine itself by issuing:


After the reboot today the local storage repository is unplugged. I was trying to repair it via XenCenter, but I don't trust this one. So I tried:

[root@xenserver ~]# xe pbd-list
uuid ( RO)                  : ef6e2f3b-5825-393c-23e1-391d105c87ec
             host-uuid ( RO): c4bcf09c-2e52-448f-8210-df5d13bd33a9
               sr-uuid ( RO): 2fb3be9c-075c-53ed-acb6-42f0c4ad0614
         device-config (MRO): device: /dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS83698154,/dev/disk/by-id/scsi-SATA_WDC_WD5001ABYS-_WD-WCAS83694262
currently-attached ( RO): false

To reattach the storage I issued:

xe pbd-plug uuid=ef6e2f3b-5825-393c-23e1-391d105c87ec

That one is running now for a while but not talking to me. The local repo has around 1TB. Should I wait, or are there any other options to reattach the local repo?

What could have caused this problem? Any ideas?


Best Answer

I can confirm that xe pdb-plug:

A: takes a very long time


B: doesn't talk to you at all during that time

(the gui gives you a progressbar that is meaningless and tells you nothing)

Note: if you run it from the command line using xe pdb-plug, it will say absolutely nothing until it is done

@zawmn83 said it took him 1.5 hours for 2TB and in my personal experience, it took me

  • 1 hour, 5 minutes for a 120Gb SSD
  • 50 minutes for a 6Tb Hard drive

(note: I ran the SSD from the command line, and for the 6Tb hard drive, I right-clicked the gui and hit repair)

Therefore I would tend to say that regardless of the size of your storage repository, it will take between 1.5 hours and 1 hour, depending on how fast your server runs.

TLDR: you should let it run at least an hour, if not longer