XenServer Configuration Allowing Private Network to Access HyperVisor


Within Citrix XenServer…I want an internal network, not dependent on a physical NIC, that only the HyperVisor and virtual machines can see. I believe I want to implement a "Single-Server Private Network."

How do the VMs communicated with the Hyper-Visor? If I want to manage the Hyper-Visor from one of the VMs, how do I access it?

I know the other option is having a network associated with a physical NIC, but I don't want the LAN to be able to access that Network.

Best Answer

not sure about xenserver commands to achieving this

If you want private connection between virtual machines running on the same host you can create isolated bridge network and connect necessary vNIC of virtual machines to it.[from "xl list" you can get domain id]

if using linux-bridge

brctl addbr isolated

if you give same range of private ip to "isolated" then you can reach hypervisor from virtual machines using that IP.

if using ovs

ovs-vsctl add-br isolated

to list vNIC details,with this combined with xl list you can get correct vNIC

 brctl show

To add vNIC to bridge

brctl addif isolated vNIC 


ovs-vsctl add-port isolated vNIC

Assign private IP inside your virtual machine and now try to connect to hypervisor using the ip assigned on "isolated"