Yum does not pick the latest package


I have a local yum repo with some rpms in it. I want to upgrade one of the packages on all my servers. Let's say the existing one is foo-1.0.x86_64.rpm. I dropped in to the local yum repo a new one called foo-1.2.x86_64. Now, when I do yum update foo, it says no packages marked for update. What do I need to do so that the servers pick up the update?

In the yum.conf, I tried specifying something like:

but that didn't work.

Best Answer

First off, did you run createrepo on your yum repository? You'll need to rebuild the metadata whenever you add new packages.

Secondly, what's the timeout on the cache? You can forecfully clean your localized metadata on your client by running yum clean all, then try checking for updates again. It will download all updated metadata from the repositories.

Hope this helps!