Zabbix “Application” monitoring – How to detect a “hung” frozen application


I have Zabbix Server on Ubuntu working… I have an Agent install on my Windows server. Template_Windows works wonders and gives me all sorts of stats that I'm happy to play with…

The problem is that I'm trying to monitor an application. Not a service or a website. An application.

I have one application that likes to crash unexpectedly. I'd like to be able to get a "Program is not responding" alert (and then funnel that into email/sms/reports).

I've got another server with an application that I'd like to monitor stats (CPU usage, etc).

I see how-to monitor services… but these aren't services. They are applications that run while a "User" is logged in. I can't quite find a good tutorial on how to setup something like this.

Doing further research and tinkering… The question is becoming: Irregardless of the method, how do I detect that an application is frozen/hung/not-responding?

  • Use Proc_Counter and detect if there is zero activity for say… 15 seconds?
  • Use a perf_info metric? I don't seem to see anything in it that would indicate a hung process, but the only man page I can find is 1.4 and current Zabbix is 1.8.4.
  • VBScript, command-line test, etc that monitor/test's application with an output that can be tracked via UserParameters?

I can't seem to get something working. Once I can verify a hung process I can respond with task-kill/restart, email responsible party, etc… but I just can't seem to find a graceful way to detect a hung process/application.

Best Answer

It took me forever to get simple-checks working. I haven't tried applications yet.

Does the second post here help at all ?