Zabbix: Dependency


I would like to monitor a service that depends on the server and a login service being up.

So I would like an alarm to go off:

  • to the networking group if the server does not respond to ping
  • to the server people if the login service is down
  • to the application people if the service behind login is down

But I do not want to spam the app people if network is down or the server people if the application is down.

So I need a way to express dependency on alarms:

ping < login < app

How do I express these dependencies?

Best Answer

One way would be to configure different actions & recipients for each case you described.

So, open up Configuration -> Actions, and configure there something like

For network people:

  • Trigger value = PROBLEM
  • Trigger = (the ICMP ping trigger)
  • Operations: Send message to networking group

For server people:

  • Trigger value = PROBLEM
  • Trigger = (your login service trigger)
  • Operations: Send message to server group

For app people:

  • Trigger value = PROBLEM
  • Trigger = (your application trigger)
  • Operations: Send message to application group

Also make sure that type of calculation under Conditions tab is set to AND.

I hope this helps you. :)