Zabbix jboss monitored by zabbix


I try monitor JBoss by zabbix. I create Template and HOST. In Host I use JMX Interfaces. But when I enable this host I see this error:

" Failed to retrieve RMIServer stub: javax.naming.CommunicationException [Root exception is java.rmi.Connect.

Please give me some advice, how I can fix it?.


Best Answer

I got Zabbix to monitor JBoss using the following link.

It basically requires you to enable JMX on your server. Then run his .jar file server-side through UserParameters.

UserParameter=Daemon_Threads,java -jar /opt/skajla-JMXClient.jar 9999 admin jmxpass java.lang:type=Threading DaemonThreadCount

Just make sure your Zabbix Agent has permissions to run the .jar file.

If it returns some garbage values, you may need to change some of JMX parameters, which I had to do.