Zabbix send a very large of false alarms


Hello I have some simple chech to test port availability:

Name: HTTP 1443 - frontend https
Key: net.tcp.service.perf[http,,1443]

I create trigger I made two examples of triggers but both are very sensitive and react too quickly

Name: Port 1443 is down on {HOST.NAME}
Expression: {Template - INT-ACC:net.tcp.service.perf[http,,1443].last(#3)}=0

Name: Port 1443 is down on {HOST.NAME}
Expression: {Template - INT-ACC:net.tcp.service.perf[http,,1443].count(#3,0,eq)}=0

Please give me advice what's wrong, because zabbix send a very large of false alarms

Best Answer

Instead of last or count use max, for example max(#3)}=0. Then Zabbix will send out an alert after three consecutive failures.