Zabbix trigger last N text values matches regexp


I check if error occurred by checking whether the last value matches regexp.


I need some tolerance by checking not last but last N values to match the regexp, i.e. last 2-3 values.

How can I achieve that?

Best Answer

According to Zabbix function documentation, function regexp() accepts a second parameter - the number of seconds or values to analyze. Unfortunately, it will return 1 if at least one of the values matches, which is not what you need - you need all values to match.

Therefore, if your regular expression is simple enough, consider using count() function with "eq" or "like" operators:

{host:item.count(#3,ERROR,eq)} = 3
{host:item.count(#3,ERROR,like)} = 3

There is also a feature request to be able to use regular expressions in count() function and it is tracked at ZBXNEXT-1250.