Zenoss Monitoring Templates, clearing events


I have a monitoring template set up on Zenoss to run a database query and use Nagios to check that the output of the query, which is a number, is within an acceptable range. When it's not, a CRITICAL level event is generated.

My question is: How can I make this monitoring template also generate a CLEAR level event when the output of the query is within the acceptable range. By doing this, any previously generated CRITICAL level events would be automatically closed once the device is running normally again.

Best Answer

You need to use event transforms in the eventClass where the event is getting transformed and use de-duplication.

De-dupid is a combination of

device | component | eventKey | eventClass | severity

For Example Blade 7 pulled out from chassis eventClass is /Hardware dedupid will be | Blade 7 | Blade_Key | /Hardware | 3 [3 means warning]

To clear the event all the field should be same except the severity | Blade 7 | Blade_Key | /Hardware | 0 [0 is clear]

Event Tales Attributes

check the link

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