Zfs rename/move root filesystem into child


Similar question exists but the solution (using mv) is awful because in this case it works as "copy, then remove" rather than pure "move".

So, I created a pool:

zpool create tank /dev/loop0

and rsynced my data from another storage in there directly so that my data is now in /tank.

zfs list
tank      591G  2.10T   591G  /tank

Now I've realized that I need my data to be in a child filesystem, not in /tank filesystem directly.

So how do I move or rename the existing root filesystem so that it becomes a child within the pool?

Simple rename won't work:

zfs rename tank tank/mydata
cannot rename to 'tank/mydata': datasets must be within same pool

(Btw, why does it complain the datasets are not within same pool when if fact I only have one pool?)

I know there are solutions that involve copying all the data (mv, or sending the whole dataset to another device and back), but shouldn't there be a simple elegant way?

Just noting that I do not care of snapshots at this stage (there are none yet to care of).

Best Answer

Given the problem documented by @USDMatt, ZFS send/receive is probably the best way to go.

zfs snapshot tank@snap
zfs send tank@snap | zfs receive tank/anotherfs
zfs set mountpoint=/beep/boop tank/anotherfs
rm -rf /tank/*
zfs destroy tank@snap

Watch out when running the rm -rf if you don't change the mount point of if you have other filesystems in your tank zpool. You don't want to recursively remove the contents of the new filesystem (/tank/newname) or any other child filesystems (/tank/*) accidentally.

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