Zimbra – Domain on different IP address


What I'm trying to do is to set zimbra properly. I'm using on my server multiple domains. All on one IP address.

But for one new domain, I want it to be visible differently. What I want to achieve is to prepare special IP address for this one domain on zimbra server, and configure zimbra to use it for sending and receiving e-mails.

So – postfix must be listening on this IP address.

If I connect to this IP, I should have HELO with my "new" domain

And if I send e-mail from zimbra – it should be sent from this new IP.

So what I did:

I tried VirtualIPAddress on zimbra (just to be proper everywhere – this will not help me – I know – it's for webmail certs only, until SNI will be deployed in Zimbra 9)

And tried configure domain like this:


So I've got sender dependent regexp to:

/@domain\.com$/ domain_com

and in master.cf.in i've got:

    domain_com unix - - n - - smtp
    -o smtp_bind_address= (my new IP)
    -o smtp_helo_name=domain.com
    -o smtpd_banner=domain.com ESMTP
    -o syslog_name=postfix-domain_com

So what I've got here – Seems like Zimbra 8.6.0 is not loading this file, since there is no errors (It should be I think – Since default zimbra is listening on all ports – there should be conflict)

So how should I properly configure zimbra to use separate IP address for just one domain?

Also – Will this files be archived while update of zimbra? Or they will be overwritten while updating?

Best Answer

Let clear some side-question before proceed into main question:

Will this files be archived while update of zimbra? Or they will be overwritten while updating?

Yes, Zimbra will overwrite master.cf.in and all of zimbra predefined configuration templates.

So what I've got here - Seems like Zimbra 8.6.0 is not loading this file, since there is no errors (It should be I think - Since default zimbra is listening on all ports - there should be conflict)

The configuration above is modify postfix behaviour to set another outgoing instance (not incoming instance). So it doesn't need listen to any port. And so there are no other error, if any error happened zimbra (or postfix) will stop working. To verify that zimbra has used new configuration, see master.cf file.

Now for the main question

How should I properly configure zimbra to use separate IP address for just one domain?

You can use postfix specific feature called Postfix Multiple Instance. It's heavily documented in postfix official docs. So you can try that. There other resources in this Unix.SE question: postfix multidomain myhostname configuration.

You can use that tutorial but you won't achieve this feature: If I connect to this IP, I should have HELO with my "new" domain. You only achieve your outgoing email goal: if I send e-mail from zimbra - it should be sent from this new IP.

For side note

The downside of using control-panel like zimbra is lose some flexibility in the original packages. In your case here, you wont' able to use 100% postfix functionality because it'll limited by Zimbra specific configuration. For example: in current release, zimbra doesn't yet support Postfix Multi Instance feature to achieve your full goal.