Zimbra: How To Change The Active MTA Seever In a Multiserver Installation


How can I change the active MTA server in a zimbra multiserver installation?

I have a Zimbra 8.0.3 multiserver system with three instances: b, c and d. These servers have their own mailbox, MTA and LDAP servers. They are on a split domain where zimbra is the secondary domain.

Recently I added a new zimbra server e to the poll, which only has a MTA server. I want to disable the MTAs in b, c, and d and make them use the one in e.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

By default, the zimbraSmtpHostname value is configured at the Server level. It can also be configured at the GlobalConfig or Domain level. To view your currently configured MTAs:

zmprov gcf zimbraSmtpHostname
zmproc gs `zmhostname` zimbraSmtpHostname   # do this on each mailstore server
zmprov gd example.com zimbraSmtpHostname      # do this for each active domain

To configure redundantly, additional MTAs must be added to the list. For example, at the Server level:

# su - zimbra
$ zmprov ms `zmhostname` +zimbraSmtpHostname mta1.example.com
$ zmprov ms `zmhostname` +zimbraSmtpHostname mta2.example.com
$ zmprov ms `zmhostname` +zimbraSmtpHostname mta3.example.com

or at the GlobalConfig level (since the Server level will override the GlobalConfig level, the Server level should be empty in order to use the GlobalConfig):

# su - zimbra
$ zmprov mcf +zimbraSmtpHostname mta1.example.com
$ zmprov mcf +zimbraSmtpHostname mta2.example.com
$ zmprov mcf +zimbraSmtpHostname mta3.example.com

And to disable MTAs do this:

zmprov ms server1 -zimbraServiceEnabled mta -zimbraServiceEnabled antispam -zimbraServiceEnabled antivirus