Zimbra: timezone not changing despite multiple attempts


I am using Zimbra ZCS8 for my company's email service.

When any user receives or sends an email, the timezone being used is GMT-10.
My timezone (and the one I need in the email server) is GMT-5.

Despite my attempt to change this in several ways, Zimbra is still stuck on using GMT-10.

I have tried:

  • changing the timezone in the Zimbra admin GUI
  • changing the timezone via the CLI, using zimbra user: zmprov mc default zimbraPrefTimeZoneId '(GMT-05.00) Bogota / Lima / Quito / Rio Branco'

I checked the linux server's time, and it is correctly set to GMT-5.

Any thoughts?

Best Answer

The Zimbra COS attribute zimbraPrefTimeZoneId is only applied to users if they do not have that attribute. Make sure your account doesn't have zimbraPrefTimeZoneId set like so:

zmprov ma someaccount@domain.com -zimbraPrefTimeZoneId

Also, are you certain that your account is in the default COS?