Type Systems – Characteristics of a Good Generic Type System


It's commonly accepted that Java generics failed in some important ways. The combination of wildcards and bounds led to some seriously unreadable code.

However, when I look at other languages, I really can't seem to find a generic type system that programmers are happy with.

If we take the following as design goals of a such a type system:

  • Always produces easy-to-read type declarations
  • Easy to learn (no need to brush up on covariance, contravariance, etc.)
  • maximizes the number of compile-time errors

Is there any language that got it right? If I google, the only thing I see is complaints about how the type system sucks in language X. Is this kind of complexity inherent in generic typing? Should we just give up on trying to verify type safety 100% at compile time?

My main question is which is the language that "got it right" the best with respect to these three goals. I realize that that's subjective, but so far I can't even find one language where not all it's programmers agree that the generic type system is a mess.

Addendum: as noted, the combination of subtyping/inheritance and generics is what creates the complexity, so I'm really looking for a language that combines both and avoids the explosion of complexity.

Best Answer

While Generics have been mainstream in the functional programming community for decades, adding generics to object oriented programming languages offers some unique challenges, specifically the interaction of subtyping and generics.

However, even if we focus on object oriented programming languages, and Java in particular, a far better generics system could have been designed:

  1. Generic types should be admissible wherever other types are. In particular, if T is a type parameter, the following expressions should compile without warnings:

    object instanceof T; 
    T t = (T) object;
    T[] array = new T[1];

    Yes, this requires generics to be reified, just like every other type in the language.

  2. Covariance and contravariance of a generic type should be specified in (or inferred from) its declaration, rather than every time the generic type is used, so we can write

    Future<Provider<Integer>> s;
    Future<Provider<Number>> o = s; 

    rather than

    Future<? extends Provider<Integer>> s;
    Future<? extends Provider<? extends Number>> o = s;
  3. As generic types can get rather long, we should not need to specify them redundantly. That is, we should be able to write

    Map<String, Map<String, List<LanguageDesigner>>> map;
    for (var e : map.values()) {
        for (var list : e.values()) {
            for (var person : list) {

    rather than

    Map<String, Map<String, List<LanguageDesigner>>> map;
    for (Map<String, List<LanguageDesigner>> e : map.values()) {
        for (List<LanguageDesigner> list : e.values()) {
            for (LanguageDesigner person : list) {
  4. Any type should be admissible as a type parameter, not just reference types. (If we can have an int[], why can we not have a List<int>)?

All of this is possible in C#.