Data Structures – Abstract Data Type vs Data Structure

abstractiondata structures

It's quite difficult for me to understand these terms. I searched on google and read a little on Wikipedia but I'm still not sure. I've determined so far that:

Abstract Data Type is a definition of new type, describes its properties and operations.

Data Structure is an implementation of ADT. Many ADT can be implemented as the same Data Structure.

If I think right, array as ADT means a collection of elements and as Data Structure, how it's stored in a memory. Stack is ADT with push, pop operations, but can we say about stack data structure if I mean I used stack implemented as an array in my algorithm? And why heap isn't ADT? It can be implemented as tree or an array.

Best Answer

Simply put, an ADT (Abstract Data Type) is more of a logical description, while a Data Structure is concrete.

Think of an ADT as a picture of the data and the operations to manipulate and change it.

A Data Structure is the the real, concrete thing. It can be implemented and used within an algorithm.

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