Microservices – Adding New Service into Existing System


I've been tasked with re-designing a system that is, for lack of a better term, complete spaghetti. For various reasons I feel that the system is well-suited for microservices. At a high level I feel that every service should…

  • Function standalone
  • Not have direct dependencies on other services
  • Have a defined API to interface with the service
    • The API may be strongly typed but it would essentially boil down to asynchronously sending a command to the endpoint associated with that service and either RESTful HTTP calls or gRPC for the more request/response type functions.
  • Be focused on a single problem domain
  • Own its data
  • Pass the chaos monkey test (everything still working if a service goes down randomly)

I also feel that the system should be able to easily grow/shrink over time. Using events, eventual consistency, and allowing for a sense of data duplication between different services makes sense to me. Where I'm struggling deals with adding a new service to the system. In order to do that how does the system handle

  1. The new service catching up to what has happened in the system while it didn't exist
  2. Existing services knowing about what events/commands that new service supports

Existing thought is if you already have two services (A and B) before introducing C, and A needs to do things when events from C happen, you end up creating a new version of A along with adding C to the mix. Then a mechanism is needed for somebody modifying the system to go "service C is now something that can be installed and, by the way, a new version of A exists.

I have no clue how to get service C to catch up to what has happened while it didn't exist.


There is an inventory service that manages what is in inventory. Also, a users service exists so we know who took things out of inventory and put things into inventory. As users are added/removed to the system the inventory service consumes those events to keep its storage mechanism up to date. That's so when the system queries the inventory service it doesn't have to do direct service communication to get first name/last name information for the view.

Later we add an automated way to pick things out of inventory. This machine will publish an Inventory Picked event that the existing inventory service needs to know about so it can remove that item picked from inventory. On top of that, this new service needs to catch up to where the inventory service is since things have been added and removed from inventory while this new service didn't exist.

Does the inventory service need a new version at the time this picker service is introduced (because there is a new event it cares about that didn't exist before)? How does the inventory service get caught up without having a direct dependency on the inventory service?

Best Answer

At a high level I feel that every service should [..] Not have direct dependencies on other services

That is not necessarily a realistic expectation.

If we're talking functional dependency, microservices still depend on each other in the sense that service A may call service B, and B's absence may render A unable to perform its own job. For example, you can't place an order (A) when the warehouse service can't confirm that the item is in stock (B). That's not a technical constraint, but rather a business decision for A to depend on B's information.

If we're talking runtime dependency, i.e. the order and warehouse service are a single app and live/die together, this is the sort of dependency that microservices avoid.

At a high level I feel that every service should [..] Pass the chaos monkey test (everything still working if a service goes down randomly)

See the above point. Just because other services remain online does not necessarily mean that they will work, when the downed service has been decided to be essential to the other services' work.

As a very clear example, if the identity provider goes down, you can expect many apps to stop functioning simply because there is no way to authenticate your users anymore.
Maybe an identity provider is a fringe example as a microservice, but similar examlpes can be made for any service in the right context. E.g. you cannot schedule a meeting (appointment service) if the room's availability (room service) or invitees' identity (people service) cannot be confirmed.

Where I'm struggling deals with adding a new service to the system. In order to do that how does the system handle [..] The new service catching up to what has happened in the system while it didn't exist

This conflicts with your earlier "owns its own data" constraint.

For the service to be able to catch up what happened in the past, this implies that there is some sort of central historical data storage that confirms what the system has done/recorded.

This directly contradicts the notion that a microservice architecture decentralizes your data storage, since every service stores its own data and is the sole owner/accessor of their own data storage.

That is to say, it should not be centralized information that just anyone accesses. However, you can shift this into something more microservicey: a historian service. This services is a microservice in and of itself, which is tasked with storing all necessary history, and serving that information to requesters.
Your new service then simply connects to the historian service, asking it to list events that happened in the past. On a technical level, this is no different from how any service fetches data from another service.

To be quite honest, I'm weary whether such a dependency on historical data is a good thing, or whether it's indicative of a bad design. I can't think of a valid use case where a new app somehow needs to replay the past when it didn't exist yet.
However, since I don't know the context of your applications, I'm unable to judge this as a definitively good or bad approach.

Where I'm struggling deals with adding a new service to the system. In order to do that how does the system handle [..] Existing services knowing about what events/commands that new service supports

I am unclear how this forms an obstacle.

You handle it just like how any codebase is made to handle any change to its environment: you update the code and redeploy the service. This is no different from any other change in what your application needs to be able to do.

Microservices don't avoid needing to update your code or redeploy your services. Microservices merely avoid needing to update services B, C or D when all you need to redeploy is service A.

The only other possible option, if not updating the code and redeploying, would be for a deployed service to somehow sense what's in the network and be able to figure out for itself how/if/when to use it and interact with it, without any developer implementing it manually. That's effectively an AI, which is well beyond the scope of what we're talking about here.

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