Agile Scrum – Can Daily Scrum Meeting Be Replaced by Status Email?


If an agile team has members like Developers, Testers, and Automation Testers from different geographical regions, how can the daily scrum meeting can happen?
Obviously they have to work in different time zones. Can this be successfully managed? Do you think the daily scrum meeting can be replaced by sending status emails at the end of day, or by answering the three Scrum questions in an email?

Best Answer

In my experience nothing beats a meeting face to face - even if it's over a video conference link. In my current project, we have developers and Scrum team members all over the UK and we conference call in for a daily scrum. it works relatively well. I don't think emails status works as well because Scrum is supposed to be an arena for back and forth interaction. Save email status reports for project management updates. In projects where emails were the main focus for clearing issues, the delays became longer, people 'missed' emails, and eventually it slowed the project to a crawl.

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