Agile – Definition of Done for many Scrum teams


We've recently started to use the Scrum framework and we gradually went from 1 team to 5. I am doing the Scrum Master role. In the last months, each Development Teams worked on their Definition of Done (DoD) with the Product Owner. Each Teams have negociated their own DoD. There are some differences between each DoDs.

Today, there is 1 Product Owner and 5 Scrum Masters and we want to use a unique DoD for all the Teams. What do you propose we should do to harmonize the DoDs?

Proposals that came out of our discussions:

  • Each Scrum Masters work with the Product Owner to build a new DoD that they'll present to their Team.
  • Each Team elect a representative (Developer) that work with the Product Owner to build a new DoD that they'll present to their Team.

In both cases, this would be an iterative process so that each Team could provide feedback and adjust.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

Insisting on imposing a fixed process on teams defeats the idea of working in an agile way. Each team should be free to organise itself in a way that allows it to work best. If that means each team has its own definition of done, then that should be accepted as the best solution. If, over time, the teams talk to each other and settle on a single definition, then great. If different definitions continue to work for them, then keep it that way.

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