Agile – Disadvantages of vertical user stories


The agile approach is to structure the work into vertical user stories and deliver a focused but fully functioning piece of the application from end-to-end. Because this is the new approach to building software I read a lot of literature about why this is better than horizontal stories but I do not find much about the disadvantages to this approach.

I already drank the agile cool-aid and I too agree that vertically slicing the cake has much advantages over horizontal slicing. Here is a short list of disadvantages that I could come up with:

  • A developer might initially be slower at implementing a feature because s/he must understand all the technologies required to develop the story (UI + service layer + data access + networking, etc…)
  • Overall architecture design (crating the backbone of the application) does not really fit this mantra (however some might argue that it is part of a user story to develop/change the overall architecture)

What are some more drawbacks of vertically slicing user stories?

Note: The reason I am asking this question now is because I am going to attempt to convince a team to start writing stories the 'vertical way' and I want to be able to bring up the possible trade-offs ahead of time so they won't consider the approach a failure when they are faced with the drawbacks.

Best Answer

I don't know of any long term disadvantages. In the short term, and for a team new to this kind of development, the main disadvantage is that it takes some getting used to and some learning.

The most efficient way to work vertically is to have full-stack developers: in this way a story can be typically executed by one person (or more than one but without pipelining tasks). Clearly this requires that the developers work vertically across the stack (from html to database in the case of a web application).

If your team is not used to working on vertical stories, then they are very likely to be doing the opposite: each person will have knowledge of one layer/tier of the application only. When you introduce vertical stories, you can expect the team to split them into tasks corresponding to layers and then distributing the tasks to different people. This will be very inefficient.

The best approach I can give regarding this is to tolerate this pipelining initially while making it clear that the long term goal is completely different. Have team members across layers pair program so to build up trust and eventually enable people to be completely independent.

I don't agree with the other answer that this approach brings technical debt. It can, but so can any other approach.

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