Agile Sprint Management – How to Track Progress During Iterations


We have recently adopted (or are trying) to adopt managing our projects in an Agile manner. During our first sprint I asked our Scrum master (who also happens to be our primary resident Agile go-to person) if it was possible to see the progress of our sprint so we could identify if we were on schedule or not (an possible risk). They turned around and said you don't do that at a sprint level?

I'm really new to agile but I thought it would be very beneficial to know if a sprint is on target or not. However perhaps this is too hard to do at this stage? If so, are there any suggestions/methods on how you could identify if a sprint is at risk?

Best Answer

The most common means of tracking a sprint is to use a Burn-down Chart. Basically you total up all your estimated tasks that you've committed to for the sprint. As you complete each task, you subtract the estimated points and plot the new point. The goal is to have zero points left at the end of the sprint.

image from wikipedia article

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