Agile – Does Agile force developers to spend more time actually working


Looking at common Agile practices it seems to me that they (intentionally or unintentionally?) force developers to spend more time actually working as opposed to reading blogs/articles, chatting, coffee breaks and just plain procrastinating.

In particular:

1) Pair programming – the biggest work-forcer, just because it is inconvenient to do all that procrastination when there are two of you sitting together.

2) Short stories – when you have a HUGE chunk of work that must be done in e.g. a month, it is pretty common to slack off in the first three weeks and switch to OMG DEADLINE mode for the last one.

And with the little chunks (that must be done in a day or less) it is exact opposite – you feel that time is tight, there is no space for maneuvering, and you will be held accountable for the task pretty soon, so you start working immediately.

3) Team communication and cohesion – when you underperform in a slow, distanced and silent environment it may feel ok, but when at the end of the day at Scrum meeting everyone boasts what they have accomplished and you have nothing to say you may actually feel ashamed.

4) Testing and feedback – again, it prevents you from keeping tasks "99% ready" (when it's actually around 20%) until the deadline suddenly happens.

Do you feel that under Agile you work more than under "conventional" methodologies? Is this pressure compensated by the more comfortable environment and by the feeling of actually getting right things done quickly?

Best Answer

The main idea behind the agile methods is to help you be productive - in a positive sense. No one cares if you spend an hour surfing every day if you meet the deadline. Everyone gets mad if you surf half an hour every day but miss your deadline. The solution: Make it easier for you to meet the deadline.

As you noticed, pair programming makes sure you stay focused (among all the other advantages like improving skill/knowledge spreading, better code, less bugs, uniform design, etc.).

I found that discipline is always a struggle for me. If I pair with someone, chances are that one of us wants some work done today and pulls the other along. So the "work for a month" often becomes turns into "work together for one week", being surprised how that huge amount of work resolved in the end, spend a day or so recovering (refactoring, fixing TODOs in the code, adding a couple of tests, surfing with a clear conscience) and then grabbing the next month of work.

Net result: I'm much more relaxed (more because than despite the constant supervision), team cohesion is much better, work gets done more quickly, people don't hang around some minor issue for hours or even days (because someone else can spot the problem much faster).

When you say "you may actually feel ashamed", isn't that a good thing? It means you feel that you did wrong and you should. You're not getting paid to get nothing done. Not getting anything done makes you feel helpless, unhappy, unworthy, miserable. Instead of feeling ashamed, stand back and think "Why didn't I accomplish anything today?" Do you need help? Is there something you don't understand? Is the current task too hard? You don't like it? Maybe you can switch the task with someone else. Maybe someone else can help you get through. Agile means: Assume responsibility instead of being micro-managed like a puppet on strings. You need a tool? Go to your boss and ask for it. Learn to argue. Learn to stand up and shout when you have to.

As for tests, there is a sweet spot when your code suddenly collapses from "nice" to "perfect". That's the moment when you notice that you need to implement feature X and you thought that will be a nightmare and suddenly realize that the code is almost there. Just a small refactoring here and there. A new class and done. Four weeks of work suddenly became a day. Victory! Triumph!