Scrum Methodology – Overhead in Stable Projects


I'm reading the Scrum – A Pocket Guide by Gunther Verheyen and it says:

The Chaos report of 2011 by the Standish Group marks a turning point. Extensive research was done in comparing traditional projects with projects that used Agile methods. The report shows that an Agile approach to software development results in a much higher yield, even against the old expectations that software must be delivered on time, on budget and with all the promised scope. The report shows that the Agile projects were three times as successful, and there were three times fewer failed Agile projects compared with traditional projects.

So I have an argument with one of my colleagues who says that for some projects (like medicine/military where the requirements don't change), Agile (and, particularly, Scrum) is overhead with all of the meetings etc and it's more logical to use waterfall, for example.

My point of view is that Scrum should be adopted in such projects because it will make the process more transparent and increase the productivity of a team. I also think that Scrum events won't take much time if it's not needed because we don't need to sit the whole 8 hours in Sprint Planning for 1 month sprint. We can spare 5 minutes just to be sure that we are all on the same page and start working.

So, will Scrum create additional overhead for a project where requirements don't change?

Best Answer

I believe that it's a faulty assumption to say that there are projects where the requirements don't change. Having worked in both the defense industry and the pharmaceutical industry making software, I can tell you that once software ends up in the hands of subject matter experts (either internal or external), there is feedback. Sometimes, this feedback is on the way the requirement was satisfied and in other cases it's actually on the requirements themselves being wrong or incomplete.

Agility is about reducing that feedback cycle and getting working software into someone's hands faster, getting that feedback, and deciding what the next step should be to make sure that what is delivered adds value when the customer decides to accept the software. Even in realms like embedded systems with custom hardware (like you may find in domains like aerospace, automotive, or medical devices), delivering thin slices of functionality quickly to integrate and prototype with can help make sure that the software and hardware system is going to work as intended and in a way that will help the end user.

The reduction in the length of the feedback cycle is a huge factor in risk reduction. From the project management perspective, if you fund a project for 2-4 weeks and get regular visibility into progress, that assures you that you are on track. By being able to deliver thin slices of functionality, you incrementally work toward the target state and can begin to forecast when you will get there. If time becomes a constraint, you can descope the lower value functions since the work done first should either be a high value function or an enabler for a high value function. At any point, you can decide if it's worth continuing to fund the effort or go in a different direction and stop a project before it's too late.