Agile Project Management – Funding Agile Projects


The company I work within is tentatively moving towards an Agile project management strategy – having experienced the "joys" of waterfall one time to many. Key to this is a shift in emphasis towards delivering functionality as opposed to meeting hard deadlines.

While the development process and client relationship has certainly improved by the iterative releases fostered through Agile , it is proving somewhat harder to apply the same rationale to the funding strategies for the project. Clients are often unaccustomed to concepts like Agile, and express great concern with what they percieve as a case of "it'll be ready when it's ready".

I would like to hear people's thoughts and experiences in funding Agile projects

I want to stress that I am not asking folks to explain the pros and cons of the Agile method to me, nor that I believe Agile equates to "it'll be ready when it's ready", this is a fear expressed by the clients/businesses I've worked with when advocating Agile development practices.

What I am interested in is the experiences people have had resolving the conflicts between "traditional" waterfall budgeting methods entrenched in business client/relationships and more progressive development methods – and the budgeting strategies they have adopted to support that evolution.

Best Answer

If you have been able to give a quote on a project with an exact final date on all the features, why did you switch to an agile approach? You and everyone else struggles with this and an agile approach is being up front with this fact. Use it as propaganda against the competition. Southwest Airline doesn't promise you an isle seat like everyone else who does and then gives it to someone else.

Of course the client wants an exact ending date. They want inexpensive, bug-free software delivered ahead of time regardless of any changes to the original request. Tell you sales team to learn how to sell a project using agile principles. The more interations you go through the closer you can get to knowing when the project will be finished. The client also learns to factor the effects of change requests.

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